Monday, September 14, 2015

The Two-Week Recap

Well well well, look who it is. Where exactly have you been the past two weeks, Tim?

I don't know, reader - where haven't I been the past two weeks?

Short answer is most of the world. Long answer is everywhere except Denmark and Spain. But they were cool enough to suffice. Welcome back to Timmy's blog. Buckle up, because I got some 'splaining to do. About two blog posts worth of 'splaining to be exact.

For the most part, that first week of September was pretty uneventful. Classes, sightseeing, and biking are daily activities, so there's not much to report on that front. However, I experienced my first of many weekend excursions out of the country. First stop? Madrid, Spain.

*Cue flamenco music.*

Now, I've been to Madrid before. But let me tell you, there's a big difference between being a 16-year-old on a religious trip with your mom and being a 20-year-old on a weekend trip with your friends. And the winner of the biggest difference goes to... your sleep schedule! Thanks to all differences for participating in this competition and we invite you to participate next time, when we discuss the differences between being 10 and 20 years old in Rome (but we'll get there soon enough).

Our flight landed on Friday night landed at 12:30 am and I think we slept a total of seven or eight hours over the course of the weekend. Between experiencing a nightlife in a country where people eat dinner at 11 pm and sleep at 6 am and attempting to be the ultimate tourist at 9 am (taking selfies and all), it's a tough life. But hey, someone's gotta do it.

Tourist locations included:
  • Museo Nacional del Prado (Prado Museum)
  • Santiago Bernabéu Stadium (Real Madrid Stadium)
  • El Retiro Park (this is just an awesome park)
  • Palacio Real de Madrid (Royal Palace of Madrid)

And of course paella and tapas, because what is another country without food? The weekend was awesome and I returned refreshed (obviously from all the sleep) and ready to go back to class...

Just kidding, we didn't have class last week! Instead, we spent the week with our core class, which in my case is my six-credit Video Game class with accompanying lab. 18 students, 1 professor, ready to take on Denmark, video games, and the world.

In the first two days, we checked out a cool video game company called Io-Interactive, attended a "PLAY" exhibit at a small museum (which actually just means we played video games in a museum), and we participated in some coding challenges. Oh, and how could I forget - we LARPed.

For those of you unclear of the concept of Live Action Role-Playing, it's when you dress up in medieval gear, grab swords, as well as bow and arrows, and duke it out. For those of you unsure of what "duke it out" means, I'm sorry you've dated yourself here. #90sKid4Life

The latter half of our week consisted of us traveling an hour away to a small folk high school in the Danish countryside called Vallekilde Højskole. A folk high school is essentially an in-between stage for high school and college students to take classes without homework or exams for the sake of learning and figuring out what they want to do with their life before they get their free Danish education in a specialized field. Classic Denmark, coming in clutch.

Anyway, my class participated in a GameJam with the local students, where we broke up into groups to create video games in the span of a few days. My group created a possible underwater Flappy Bird ripoff which will probably make us millions of dollars one day. And we also came in third place (out of like nine, so I think that's pretty impressive).

I've been typing for a while and I'm bored of myself now. And I think you're fully caught up on my life! I'm back to classes this week, but look forward to next week's installment of "Timmy Pretends He's Going To Post Every Sunday."

Vi ses!