Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Counting the Hours...

I would be lying if I said that I've already started packing. Honestly, I'd be lying if I even said that I was sure I have everything I need. But I wouldn't be lying if I said that I'm excited to fly out of JFK this Friday night at 11 pm.

For those of you who have no idea what's going on in this blog, let me rewind. I was born on a dark Friday evening many moons ago...

Actually, that's probably a bit too far back to be relevant to this story. Let's jump forward to 2015. This past spring semester, I applied to the Danish Institute of Study Abroad through Georgetown University's acclaimed study abroad program and I was accepted to study Video Game Development for this upcoming semester in Copenhagen, Denmark.

I spent this past summer doing software development at an awesome healthcare tech startup in NYC and, having ended my internship only a few short days ago, I'm still suffering through extreme coffee withdrawals and incessant headaches. All in all though, I'd say I had a great summer working on stuff I actually enjoyed and meeting cool people.

And in just a few short sentences, we return to the present. As I sat in my bed mere minutes ago, staring at an empty suitcase and an overflowing laundry hamper, I thought - wow, I'm so excited to go abroad and to procrastinate packing. So excited, in fact, that I want to keep a journal capturing my worldly experience as a tech nerd leaving the nest, or, in this metaphor, the computer. But what better way to journal than to blog for all the world (or just my mom) to read? In other words, give me back my computer.

So I began this blog as a way to keep track of my semester, as well as act as a memory of times past when I'm old and in my 30s, in need of a good cry and something to remind me of the excitement my life once contained.

There you have it. An introductory blog post. We're officially off, guys. Just three short days away from flying some 4,000 miles to a new world. We are 20. We are young. And we are going to rock the socks off Denmark's metaphorical feet. Let's get it.


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