Sunday, August 23, 2015


Greetings fans of the world and everyone else, aka soon-to-be fans!

You may have noticed that I haven't written a post in a while (and by that I mean my first and only one), since before I even left for Copenhagen a week and a half ago. I'm not one to get into details, but recaps are all the rage right now.

After a surprisingly short 8-hour flight, an exhausting 6-hour time change, and only one brief what-am-I-doing cry on the plane, I arrived in Denmark on August 15, #ready. My host family picked me up from the airport and I had officially said "See you later!" to America.

That was until two days later, when I was swarmed by 1,200 other American students at orientation. I ran into dozens of Georgetown students without even trying. Regardless, I think I've done a good job balancing meeting Americans and Danes, partly because I seek out Danes, but mostly because my host family does a great job of keeping me involved in Danish culture.

I definitely made the right decision in choosing to live in a homestay, especially because my host family is the coolest and we live right in the city, so I'm still connected to everyone around me. Plus, I've regained my flawless physique from the inordinate amount of biking I do on my bike made for "short" people, which in Denmark is still a few inches taller than my 5'10" frame. It's been difficult dealing with how short I am here. Seriously, what do these people eat and why isn't it working for me yet?!

As far as classes go, they just started last Thursday, but I'm really not deep enough into those to even give some feedback on that so we're just gonna skip this topic for now. Don't worry mom and dad, I won't forget to study. Then again, let's not make any promises right now.

In terms of traveling the globe, I spent way too much money this weekend booking flights everywhere and back. I'll be traveling to Munich, Madrid, Amsterdam, Paris, and way more in the coming months, but we'll get to those when I get to those, ja feel?

I think I've covered all bases with this post, but let's do a recap just to make sure. Topics covered in this post:
  • Classes (barely)
  • Traveling (or rather, travel planning)
  • The dopest host family known to man (but I'll definitely post more on them soon)
  • Meeting people (and being #social)
  • Biking (aka the third best way to travel after time travel and flying like Superman)
  • Spending all my money / going broke (definitely more on this later)

Well, I think that's it for this one! Also, I've decided to write posts on Sundays to give myself some structure and keep me posting regularly. And of course because all you subscribers need a riveting Sunday night tale to start the week off right.

Ciao for now. Or as we say in Danish, hej hej!

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